Tag Archives: eating out

Weekly Menus: Week of 2/19/2012

Gentle Readers, it is that time again, when The Practical Cook looks into her crystal ball, or at least her crystallized freezer, and plans the meals for the week. Once again, she is also traveling during that week. And while that leads to some expertise in plane food (do NOT try the pizza), it is less conducive to complicated sit-down dinners.

Deep Fried Moonpie at The Pig in Chapel Hill: Speaking of Cravings

Deep Fried Moonpie at The Pig in Chapel Hill: Speaking of Cravings

And I have been craving some serious field research lately. I am having a moment like the Chairman did before creating Kitchen Stadium. I don’t think I’ll bite a whole pepper, but I want some new ideas. Spring can’t come fast enough.

So without further delay, here are the Weekly Menus:

Weekly Menus: 2/19/2012

Weekly Menus: 2/19/2012

And the Four-Square Grocery Shopping List:

Four-Square Grocery Shopping List: 2/19/2012

Four-Square Grocery Shopping List: 2/19/2012

Which will hopefully translate into:

Sunday: Something Traditional
You might even say “revolutionary.” Any guesses where we’ll be doing field research?

Monday: Frozen Pizza and Salad
Sometimes, it’s just best to Punt! in advance. This will be most necessary after our journey!

Tuesday: Salmon and Brussels Sprouts
I need more fish in my life, my brain needs all the support it can get. And I’m craving sprouts, don’t judge.

Wednesday: Tacos!
We need to use up some ground beef, and nothing says “festive” like tacos.

Thursday: Beans and Sausage
My kids could eat this constantly. I love it because the variations are endless, just choose a bean, a sausage, and a green. Tomatoes optional but encouraged.

Friday: Chinese Take-Out!
I feel an extreme need for Field Research coming on. I believe it will be a two-fer.

Saturday: Dine Out!
The problem with scheduling in advance is that I sometimes create my own cravings. Sigh. I’m not committing to where the dining will happen, but I’m thinking a lot about Turkish food.

Send your menus, leftovers, and cooking questions to practical cook at gmail dot com. Connect on Facebook: The Practical Cook Blog. (Thanks in advance for spreading The Practical Cook Blog word. Press “like” on Facebook today!)

Follow practicalcook on Twitter

On Wednesday, Three Reasons to Host a Potluck.

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Filed under Weekly Menus

Weekly Menus: Week of 12/25/2011

Gentle Readers, if there were ever a perfect time for casseroles, slow-cooker meals, take-out, and leftovers, this is that week. The Practical Cook will be indulging in many of those tactics herself, in the thin guise of “field research.” I feel, as the last week of menus for the year, this should be some sort of trumpets blaring occasion, but alas, it is but a practical one.

Weekly Menus, Week of 12/25/2011:

Weekly Menus: 12/25/2011

Weekly Menus: 12/25/2011

TheĀ  Four-Square Grocery List:

Four-Square Shopping List: 12/25/2011

Four-Square Shopping List: 12/25/2011

Which means:

Sunday: Leftovers
Schedules this year mean the heavy lifting happened before the actual day. Tomorrow is about Santa Cereal (small boxes of the extra sugary stuff) and relaxation.

Monday: Dine Out!
Will be conducting some important field research. I shall dutifully report in if all goes well.

Tuesday: Sammies
Are you sensing a theme here? I’ll be cleaning the house, there are some carrots I desperately need to pickle, and apple butter doesn’t stir itself.

Wednesday: Salad with Salmon
Thinking healthy options are the way forward this week. Fine, that also means I’m getting my cholesterol tested soon, and my mental acuity can use all the salmon it can get.

Thursday: Breakfast for Dinner
Perhaps eggs, perhaps something in the oatmeal line.

Friday: Dine out!
I will be ready to move on something Fried at this point, let’s see if I withstand that urge.

Saturday: Pasta and Sauce
Gearing down and getting back to the normal schedule. Cleans out the freezer, too!

What do you serve for Christmas (if you celebrate), and when do you celebrate? Post your comment below!

Send presents and questions to practical cook at gmail dot com. Connect on Facebook: The Practical Cook Blog. (Thanks in advance for spreading The Practical Cook Blog word. Press “like” on Facebook today!)

Follow practicalcook on Twitter

Up next, Reviving the At-Home Tradition.

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Filed under Weekly Menus

In-N-Out Burger: More Adventures in Eating (with video)

Oh Gentle Readers, I can already feel the backlash. But the Practical Cook does not shy away from controversy. Hot on the heels of the post about picky vs. snobby eating comes the first less-than-positive review of a meal out. In the dark of night, I went to In-N-Out Burger. I didn’t have the revelatory experience I expected.

The Glowing Promise of Deliciousness

The Glowing Promise of Deliciousness

This was not a time to count calories, so I ordered a cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate shake. I got the cheeseburger with onions, but didn’t order off the “secret” menu (aka, no double-double or animal style). Here’s the resulting order:

Fries, Chocolate Shake, and Cheeseburger from In-N-Out Burger

Fries, Chocolate Shake, and Cheeseburger from In-N-Out Burger

The food was fresh, and the fries were good when they were not, but not over the top great. The chocolate shake was tasty. The burger was average at best. Yes, I said it. It was thin, so much so that it was crunchy to nonexistent in some spots, and the onion overwhelmed it. The bun was fluffy and soft.

Video Review:

Full confession: The Practical Cook is not a huge fan or connoisseur of fast food. She is unwilling to spend her calories, cholesterol, or cash on the stuff when something more interesting is available. It really has been years since I’ve eaten anything under golden arches, so perhaps I just lack the skills to taste this properly. Let the record show I dearly love burgers and fries, just not these.

Early polling has drawn some fire on this subject, so let’s hear it from you Gentle Readers. How do you feel about In-N-Out, or fast food in general? Post a comment below, or join the Twitter debate.

Send your queries and food photos to practical cook at gmail dot com. Connect on Facebook: The Practical Cook Blog. (Thanks in advance for spreading the Practical Cook gospel. Press “like” on Facebook today!)

Follow practicalcook on Twitter

Tomorrow, written on location, How to Survive Airport Food.


Filed under Restaurant Reviews