Zingers vs. Twinkies: Who Will Reign Supreme? (with video)

The Practical Cook does not typically seek inspiration inside the gas station convenience store, but she is also unwilling to step away from a challenge. Upon learning that a new reader had once written a treatise comparing and contrasting the merits of Twinkies vs. Zingers, it became clear that a taste test was in order.

Snack Cake Smackdown: Vanilla Cream Zingers, Twinkies, Raspberry Coconut Zingers

Snack Cake Smackdown: Vanilla Cream Zingers, Twinkies, Raspberry Coconut Zingers

However, sourcing Zingers in Health-Conscious NC proved to be challenging. Finally, I spotted my quarry:

Zingers in the Gas Station, Three Flavors

Zingers in the Gas Station, Three Flavors

Surprisingly, store clerks don’t stare as much as you’d think when you snap photos of snacks. Moon Pies were easily spotted, in myriad flavors:

Moon Pies in Many Flavors, Spotted in the Wild

Moon Pies in Many Flavors, Spotted in the Wild

But that ground had been covered already in the battle royale against Choco Pies.

Because this is a three-way taste test, Raspberry Coconut Zingers, Frosted Vanilla Cream, and the traditional Twinkie, black coffee was used to cleanse the palate between bites. Here are the results, roll the tape, maestro:

In the end, I don’t think I’m going to make the caloric investment to eat either Zingers or Twinkies on a regular basis. If pressed, I would choose a Krispy Kreme, even an old one, at a gas station. Sorry, I’m truly and deeply Southern that way.

Remains of the Experiment: The Zingers Reign Supreme

Remains of the Experiment: The Zingers Reign Supreme

But the Raspberry Coconut was my favorite, by quite a lot, though The Practical Cooks Junior both voted for the frosted vanilla Zinger. No one liked the Twinkie, not even the hound dog (who makes a guest appearance in the video). Special thanks to CaptCranky for the challenge.

Are you a fan of the snack cake? Have you eaten a packaged snack cake lately? Your secret is safe here, The Practical Cook confessional is open for business. Post a comment!

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Up next, Why Beer and Juice Boxes Should Not Meet.


Filed under Kitchen Philosophy, Snacks

2 responses to “Zingers vs. Twinkies: Who Will Reign Supreme? (with video)

  1. The Practical Cook

    Clearly we’re going to have to run a second round of testing, for Chocolate flavor. The discussion on Facebook involves the inimitable Swiss Cake Roll. Chocolate was omitted from the test b/c Twinkie really would have suffered from that comparison.

  2. MissM

    I’m guilty of loving vanilla zingers! I almost never eat anything even remotely like this, but somehow I had one once and loved it; i’ve been hooked ever since. However, if you like treats like this it is best to only indulge every couple years or so if you can restrain yourself.

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