Weekly Menus: Week of 11/6/2011

By the time you read this, The Practical Cook will be sporting a set of mouse ears and frolicking about Disney World. Yes, it has finally happened. From the person who swore her children would never wear pink, we’ll be heading to the land of princesses. However, it is a fantastic opportunity to see how the food scene has evolved over the last 20 years. Look for more on that topic in the days to come.

So now you see the need for planning, eating up leftovers, and flexibility. The resulting Weekly Menus:

Weekly Menus: 11/6/2011

Weekly Menus: 11/6/2011

And the limited but necessary Four-Square Grocery List:

Four Square Grocery List: 11/6/2011

Four Square Grocery List: 11/6/2011

Which all means:

Sunday: Dine Out
Fingers crossed, hoping we’ll be dining with royalty, if you know what I mean.

Monday: Frozen pizza and salad
This day was built for a Punt!

Tuesday: Fridge Surprise!
As in Surprise! What’s still good in there?

Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner
Craving eggs and bacon, side of cheese grits.

Thursday: Stew, to be determined
It may be time to bust out the slow cooker and make some mafe.

Friday: Wraps!
This is just hand-held stew, but I plan on selling it.

Saturday: Dine Out!
Any suggestions for must-try places?

How do you clean out the fridge before leaving town? Post your tips and tricks in the comments section below!

Send your menus, ideas, or snacks to practical cook at gmail dot com. Connect on Facebook: The Practical Cook Blog. (Thanks in advance for spreading The Practical Cook Blog word. Press “like” on Facebook today!)

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Tomorrow, in honor of EPCOT: What is up with dancing, anthropomorphic food?

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