Tag Archives: fall menus

Weekly Menus: Week of 11/6/2011

By the time you read this, The Practical Cook will be sporting a set of mouse ears and frolicking about Disney World. Yes, it has finally happened. From the person who swore her children would never wear pink, we’ll be heading to the land of princesses. However, it is a fantastic opportunity to see how the food scene has evolved over the last 20 years. Look for more on that topic in the days to come.

So now you see the need for planning, eating up leftovers, and flexibility. The resulting Weekly Menus:

Weekly Menus: 11/6/2011

Weekly Menus: 11/6/2011

And the limited but necessary Four-Square Grocery List:

Four Square Grocery List: 11/6/2011

Four Square Grocery List: 11/6/2011

Which all means:

Sunday: Dine Out
Fingers crossed, hoping we’ll be dining with royalty, if you know what I mean.

Monday: Frozen pizza and salad
This day was built for a Punt!

Tuesday: Fridge Surprise!
As in Surprise! What’s still good in there?

Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner
Craving eggs and bacon, side of cheese grits.

Thursday: Stew, to be determined
It may be time to bust out the slow cooker and make some mafe.

Friday: Wraps!
This is just hand-held stew, but I plan on selling it.

Saturday: Dine Out!
Any suggestions for must-try places?

How do you clean out the fridge before leaving town? Post your tips and tricks in the comments section below!

Send your menus, ideas, or snacks to practical cook at gmail dot com. Connect on Facebook: The Practical Cook Blog. (Thanks in advance for spreading The Practical Cook Blog word. Press “like” on Facebook today!)

Follow practicalcook on Twitter

Tomorrow, in honor of EPCOT: What is up with dancing, anthropomorphic food?

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Filed under Weekly Menus

Weekly Menus: Week of 10/23/2011

As the week plus of fast and furious Fried ends, The Practical Cook finds herself with a surfeit of Red Russian Kale, a gift from TPC’s Parents. A gentle hint perhaps? Fall is upon us, with its leafy greens and yellow-orange squash. We’ve got fall recipes coming your way this week, but for now, a weekly meal plan devoid of anything fried. Time to detox!

Here’s what’s cooking on the Weekly Menus:

Weekly Menus: 10/23/2011

Weekly Menus: 10/23/2011

And the Four-Square Grocery List:

Four-Square Grocery List: 10/23/11

Four-Square Grocery List: 10/23/11

Which translates to:

Sunday: Veggie burgers or Stew and veg
TBD depending on time and on-hand ingredients.

Monday: Fish and Veg
At the risk of “ensmartening” the Practical Cooks Junior way past my touch, salmon filets and some roasted veg are in order.

Tuesday: Dinner Salad
Using up the leftovers!

Wednesday: Soup and dumplings
Probably pork noodle soup with store-bought dumplings and edamame.

Thursday: Meatloaf
With potatoes and broccoli. See, sometimes I make simple fare. The trick will be in stretching this dish and selling it to the Juniors.

Friday: Leftovers
Just because.

Saturday: Dine Out!
So much new food to try around here, what will it be?

What’s on your menu list this week? Have you moved into fall cooking? Post a comment below!

Menu suggestions, queries, and leftovers can be emailed to practical cook at gmail dot com. Connect on Facebook: The Practical Cook Blog. (Thanks in advance for spreading The Practical Cook Blog word. Press “like” on Facebook today!)

Follow practicalcook on Twitter

Tomorrow, Punt! Homemade Tomato Soup.

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Filed under Weekly Menus

Weekly Menus: Week of 9/4/2011

Clearly, The Practical Cook is still not fully present in a single time zone. In yesterday’s post, I forgot what day of the week it was. And this morning, the best intentions of getting up to work out, shop, blog, etc. went awry. In a word, I slept in. But better late than never, as I’m sure the one Gentle Reader who expects to read this missive over coffee will forgive me. (Sorry Mom.)

Now, to the business of the week. Let me further say that I’m working away in the test kitchen on a top secret project that will reveal itself shortly. Also, I am now done with summer. I’m done with mosquitoes, I’ve eaten my fill of tomatoes (sacrilege, but true), and I’m ready for delicata squash, heartier stews, and possibly even some simple loaf breads.

So on this week’s menu:

Weekly Menus: 9/4/2011

Weekly Menus: 9/4/2011

And the Four-Square Grocery List:

Four-Square Grocery List: 9/4/2011

Four-Square Grocery List: 9/4/2011

The CSA from Brinkley Farms (Doubled from Last Week’s Skip):

1 pk regular bratwurst
1 bag spicy greens mix
1 lb squash
2 lbs zucchini
1 lb mixed colored bell peppers
2 lbs acorn squash
2 lbs delicata squash

(I almost passed out with glee when I saw the selections from Brinkley Farms this week. Heaven!)

Which translates into:

Sunday: Indian
Dal, rice, okra in buttermilk, possibly some saag, roti

Monday: Leftovers/fish
This depends on the amount leftover and the looks of the fish at the store.

Tuesday: Braised Chicken
I have some chicken that needs to be consumed, and I’m deciding how it will be served. To be determined.

Wednesday: Polenta with Black Beans
Working on a product review here, and want to pair the polenta with something I need to make anyway, a large pot of black beans.

Thursday: Breakfast for Dinner
I predict French Toast, possibly with fried chicken of some stripe.

Friday: Pizza and Salad
Punt! I plan on being exhausted from the week’s lineup, and punting with frozen pizza and salad.

Saturday: Dine Out
Watch out food trucks, we’re coming to find you.

Okay, now it’s time to walk the hound dog, finish the grocery shopping, make the fig preserves, and drink some coffee, not necessarily in that order. Onward and upward!

Are you ready to change seasons culinarily speaking? What are you craving on the fall menus? Post a comment (I can hear you lurking) or Tweet!

Suggest a future taste test or blog post by writing to practical cook at gmail dot com. Connect on Facebook: The Practical Cook Blog. (Thanks in advance for spreading The Practical Cook Blog word. Press “like” on Facebook today!)

Follow practicalcook on Twitter

Up tomorrow (which I know is Monday) An Ode to Road Oatmeal.

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Filed under Weekly Menus