Tag Archives: simple weekday menus

Weekly Menus: Week of 11/20/2011

Gentle Readers, this marks one of The Practical Cook’s favorite times of the year, the official kick-off for the season of eating, Thanksgiving. Beware the grocery stores too close to the actual day, as they will be overflowing with bright-eyed once-yearly cooks on a stampede for fresh sweet potatoes. Lists and plans are key for this time of year, to avoid last-minute trips, and to cook in waves so as not to be overwhelmed on the actual day.

If you need to stock up on baking supplies and seasonal items, the next couple of weeks are ideal times to catch the sales!

Here’s my plan, weekly menus for this week:

Weekly Menus: 11/20/2011

Weekly Menus: 11/20/2011

And the Four-Square grocery list:

Four-Square Shopping List: 11/20/2011

Four-Square Shopping List: 11/20/2011

Lastly, the translation into what we’ll be eating:

Sunday: Pasta and salad OR Veggie Burgers
Depends on whether it’s just us or if we have guests. Working on a two-fold research project, best commercial veggie burger and best homemade.

Monday: Indian Veggie Burgers on Naan
Serving this curried delight with raita and chutney. Perhaps some sweet potato fries with garam masala on the side.

Tuesday: Breakfast for Dinner
Eggs, grits, fruit, and crudite.

Wednesday: Soup and Sammies
Flavors TBD based on what is left in the house.

Thursday: Thanksgiving
Turkey, ham or beef, cranberry sauce, bread, twice-baked potatoes, greens, crudite, sweet potatoes, baked dressing, macaroni and cheese casserole, corn casserole, cherry pie, brownies, and pumpkin bars (to be created in the test kitchen soon). More may be added as the week progresses. We don’t play around at Thanksgiving.

Friday: Leftovers!
Please see above.

Saturday: Dine Out
I love Southern cooking for all its salt and pepper straightforwardness, but by Saturday, I’ll be craving something with zing from another cultural tradition. Think Chinese, Thai, or Korean.

What are you serving this Thanksgiving? Share your menu ideas in the comments section below! Or send me a tweet with #Thanksgivingmenu as the hashtag.

Send ideas, questions, and more to practical cook at gmail dot com. Connect on Facebook: The Practical Cook Blog. (Thanks in advance for spreading The Practical Cook Blog word. Press “like” on Facebook today!)

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Coming up next time, Twice-Baked Potatoes Recipe! The answer to the lumpy mashed potato.

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Filed under Kitchen Philosophy, Weekly Menus